I have a few fun updates for you. First things first- I just had another round of clear scans and a great check up in Boston. My levels are perfect, and by all accounts I am healthy and feeling extremely well. Praise the Lord! I am so thankful for each good report.
So this is a pretty special week for me...This week I am celebrating 6 months out of treatment and one year cancer free. Tomorrow I will celebrate my No Evidence of Disease anniversary by running in the #MIMGARR (Great American River Run) half marathon in Memphis, TN. 13.1 miles- one mile for each month I was in treatment, and one mile less than months I was given to live in August of 2014.
I think back to that day not so long ago in August 2014 when we got the phone call that turned our world upside down. I remember feeling crushed under the weight of the news - like someone suddenly sucked all the energy out of my body. The angst of dealing with a poor prognosis and fighting to get into a clinical trial. The 2, sometimes 3 trips a month to Boston for cancer treatment for 13 months. Battling for a sense of normalcy in a time of chaos. One exhausted foot in front of the other.
And although it was certainly a challenging time, it was also a time cloaked in the grace of God. When all the hospitals told us the clinical trials we needed were full, even in Boston, a "hidden" spot that no one seemed to know about miraculously opened over the weekend after my Friday consultation. He cared for and protected my baby girls by way of grandparents, other family members, and friends. He gave us unbelievable friends and strangers that selflessly gave of their time, energy and finances to shore us up and encourage us. I'm beyond grateful. Y'all- I just don't believe I would be here today without your prayers and support. I'm so thankful for you all.
I can't wait to cross the finish line tomorrow and celebrate all that God has done to bring me to this point. Until then, I'm off to catch a plane and carb load.
Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in.
-Hebrews 12:1 from the Message