Monday, October 6, 2014

She got a spot in a clinical trial!!

Remember how I said earlier that Meredith wasn't able to get into a trial in Boston? Well, the doctor that she saw there just called her a few minutes ago to tell her that they've extended one extra spot specifically for her. It is the trial that was their number one choice (PD1 drug with an anti KIR). Is our God good???

I can only believe that is the grace of God in response to all of the prayers that have been sent up for Meredith. We are SO grateful to God that this is happening and so grateful to all of you who have been praying fervently for this to happen. Meredith and I were discussing this morning how God knit her together in the womb and He knew exactly what kind of medicinal combination her body would respond to. If He chooses to heal her through medicine or simply with a wave of his hand, Meredith and Vic finally felt today that they had done everything in their power to get Meredith the best treatment available. They finally felt a peace about where they were with treatment options. Then the doctor called.

We are so THANKFUL! Meredith and Vic will be flying to back to Boston right away to go through the obligatory screening process (scans and blood work). I don't know exactly when she will begin the treatment, but we will know in the next day or two!! The doctor also said the patients who are taking this drug combination right now are experiencing very little side effects and she should be fine to fly to Boston for treatment then fly home the next day. Another wonderful piece of news!!

Praise God!!!

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