Friday, October 17, 2014

Treatment Plan

It's official: Meredith did qualify for the clinical trial. She and Vic leave on Sunday for Boston and she will have her first treatment on Monday. She will travel to Boston every week for the first month of treatment, then she will go every other week after that. Treatment could last up to 2 years. She will be taking the PD1 drug Nivulomab and the anti-KIR drug Lurulomab. Doctors are very exited about this combination therapy, and we are praying that Meredith will handle the drugs with ease. There are a wide range of possible side effects, but there is no way to know how Meredith will respond until she actually starts taking the medication.

Thank you again so much for all of your wonderful support. Please continue to keep Meredith and Vic in your prayers as they have a lot of traveling in store and for Meredith's health as she fights the good fight!


  1. We will continue to pray for Meredith..... for success in the program she is entering into and for her body to tolerate the medicines. Our God hears our prayers and He is faithful. Please continue to update Meredith's progress and specific prayer needs.

  2. Praying for this precious couple and their families.
